Chapter 2    Control Objectives and Benefits
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In this chapter, there were three main concepts.   The questions will be categorized according to the most relevant concept.

Control Objectives Operating Conditions Benefits of Low Variability












Check Your Reading

Solidify the Concepts

When process control is used for safety, the system will ultimately rely on the
plant personnel to respond?

Control Objectives

TRUE         FALSE













The release of process material to prevent excessive internal pressure must exhaust directly to the environment outside the plant.

Control Objectives

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TRUE         FALSE












Process equipment is very robust and
cannot be damaged by incorrect operation.

Operating Conditions

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TRUE         FALSE













When plant units (distillation columns, reactors, etc.) are arranged in
series, smooth flow rates contribute to good operation.

Benefits of Low Variability

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TRUE         FALSE












Variability in product quality is not important as long as the
average satisfies the customers demands.

Benefits of Low Variability

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TRUE         FALSE












After the plant has been designed and built, selection of the operating conditions has little influence on the
profit ($$).

Operating Conditions

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TRUE         FALSE














Calculated variables, such as the heat transfer coefficient and the reaction selectivity, are useful in monitoring process performance.

Operating Conditions

TRUE         FALSE