

Process Control Learning
Sample Process Control Course
Instrumentation for Process Control
WEB-Based Ed. Resources for PC
Process Operability
Research Consortium MACC

Guide to the Quiz Interactions 

The quizzes consist of short-answer questions that test your basic understanding of key concepts and methods for problem solving.  Answers are supplied for every response, whether correct or incorrect.  The goal is to provide students quick feedback on their learning after they have visted the chapter e-Lesson and/or read the textbook chapter.  Performing quiz is an important learning step; it can fill some gaps directly via the answers and can point out gaps that require a return to the chapter for further study.

There are four questions styles

  • True/False
  • Multiple choice (click buttons)
  • Freeform short answers
  • Multiple Choice (predefined pulldown list)

The multiple choice questions are further divided into (a) questions having only one correct answer (indicated by circular "radio buttons") and (b) questions having from none to all answer possibily correct (indicated by square "checked boxes).  See the Navigation information lower on this page for examples of these buttons.

A quizzes are organized by textbook chapter.   Within each chapter there are some main concepts.  At the beginning of each chapter, these main concepts will be listed in yellow boxes. For example in Chapter 1:

In this chapter, there were four main concepts.   The questions will be categorized according to the most significant concept.

Control Feedback
Control Equipment Control Schematics

Each question has a yellow portion that contains the most pertinent concept.  Try to think about the concept when answering the questions.  The concept will often help to direct your solution.

Within each chapter, the questions are divided into three sections:

  1. The first section is the Check Your Reading section.  The questions in this section are designed to reinforce the basic concepts within the written text.  Solutions are provided for all of the questions in this section.  Here we have an example from Chapter 1 where the gray area indicates the beginning of the Check Your Reading questions, the blue area contains the question statement, and the yellow area indicates the main concept.

NOTE: All of the buttons and links in this demonstration are not interactive; the buttons function in the learning modules.

Check Your Reading

Solidify the Concepts

1.1  Feedback Control is always implemented using digital computers?



  1. The second section of questions contain the Study Questions.   These questions are more involved and are intended to require the user to apply their knowledge and problem solving skills.  Solutions to these problems are always provided, and there are often hints which can be prompted to help you if your get stuck or need a starting point.

Study Questions

Apply Your Knowledge

From the figure of a home heating system, identify which features would satisfy the control design criteria.

Operating Conditions

2Hfurnace.gif (8865 bytes)

  Environmental Protection
  Smooth Operation
  1. The third and final section of questions are the Thought Questions.   These questions are be the most challenging because they present open-ended problems.  We have not provided answers to these problems because each answer would be lengthy.  Keep in mind, for virtually all of the thought questions, there are many possible correct answers.  By thinking about these problems, you can deepen your understanding of process control and understand the relationship between process control and other topics in public policy, business and so forth.
Thought Questions

Open-Ended Problems

Discuss how a company:

Control Objectives

  • Determines a customer's product quality requirements
  • Manufactures products that meet the customer's requirements.


Here is a quick reference for the navigational icons used in this page


Loads the next question.

Loads the previous question, or returns to the current question from an extended solution.

Returns to the top of the Chapter.

These drop down boxes will contain several possible answers for a given question.  By selecting one, a response will be prompted.

These buttons indicate that there is only one correct answer to the multiple choice question. By clicking any one of them, a response will be prompted

The checkbox indicates that there might be more than one correct choice, and you should try to select all of them.  Each checkbox when selected will prompt a response.

This crystal ball icon prompts a hint for the question.

Prompts the solution of the free-form question.  The solution will be loaded in the main screen or in the footnote frame depending on the length of the solution.

Positioned at the end of each Chapter to allow the user to access the Top of the Chapter, the Next Chapter, or the Previous Chapter.

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