5.0 Instrumentation Safety (Preventing Fire and Explosion) |
Naturally, we must
safely accomplish measurement, control calculations, and process modulation
through adjusting the final element. Control
systems contribute to safe process operation through basic control design,
valve failure positions, alarms, safety interlock systems, and pressure relief
systems (e.g., Marlin, 2000; AIChE, 1993; Lees, 1996). This section addresses one important hazardous
condition, fire and explosion, that is affected by
the design and implementation of control and transmission equipment.
The material in this section is applicable to a wide range of processes
and industries using either analog or digital transmission.
The information
presented here provides an introduction to safety through the use of proper
control equipment. This section gives
a simplified discussion that is not adequate for engineering practice. The reader is cautioned to ·
Refer to up-to-date safety
specifications for control equipment, ·
Ensure that the appropriate regulations
are used for the location where the equipment will be installed, and ·
Engage an experienced, registered
engineer to review all designs. |
All control equipment
outside of a protected control room is in an environment with air and possibly,
combustible materials; hydrocarbons, dust, or other materials. Note that these combustibles might not normally
be present, but they are present in the process (e.g., within vessels and
pipes) and could be in proximity to control equipment during unusual situations.
The electrical power provided for the instrument introduces the third
of the three components required for combustion or explosion, as shown in
Figure 5.1. Naturally, combustion and explosion must be
prevented, and two commonly employed approaches to prevent hazards are summarized
in this section.
Figure 5.1. Triangle showing the three key elements leading to fire and explosions.
Safety can be achieved by removing at least one of the
elements in the environment around instrumentation. An additional safety measure could contain
the effects of any fire or explosion in a small region, which would prevent it
from propagating and creating a major hazard. An approach for achieving safety
by influencing each approach is introduced in the following.
Fuel - A controlled environment can be
continuously purged with air or an inert to remove fuel.
Oxygen - The environment around an instrument can
be immersed in a liquid or granular solid that will prevent oxygen (and fuel)
from being affected by the source of ignition.
Ignition - The power source can be
maintained below the critical value that could initiate fire or explosion.
Containment - An instrument can be
surrounded with an enclosure that can contain a fire or explosion within the
small region, where it will extinguish quickly because of lack of fuel and
oxygen. This approach is termed
"explosionproofing" in the
Generally, a
process has a centralized control building that has an environment free from
combustibles. The computers performing
control calculations, safety controllers, historical data storage and other
higher-level computing are located in this building, as are operations
personnel. Sensors and final elements
are located at the process, which can have oxygen and fuel present. We note that the fuel should not be present
in high concentrations, except within process vessels and pipes. Instrumentation must be designed and operated
to be safe, and instrumentation located in areas where a fuel source is not
normally present must be safe even during the occurrence of very infrequent
fuel releases due to small leaks or spills.
Hazardous Area
Classification and additional specifications
The proper instrumentation
design and installation depends on the likelihood of fuel being present and the
type of fuel that could be present. The
engineer must select the area classification from several categories and ensure
that the instrumentation is compatible with safe operation. The appropriate local regulatory agency
defines the categories, and the instrumentation manufacturer defines the set of
specifications appropriate for each equipment. In most countries, the instrumentation
equipment must be tested by an independent agency, such as Factory Mutual or
Underwriters Laboratory, to verify the specifications given by its manufacturer.
Hazardous Area
The hazardous
area classifications differ from country to country; for example, the
classifications are different between North America and
Designation |
Description |
Zone 0 |
concentrations of flammable gases or vapors are present continuously or
present for long periods of time.
Examples include, ·
of tanks ·
near vents |
Zone 1 |
There may be ignitable concentrations during normal operating
conditions or concentrations exist frequently from repair or maintenance of
the equipment. Examples include, ·
An area where the breakdown of equipment could lead
to a release ·
Remember that pumps and compressors can have small
leaks |
Zone 2 |
There may be
ignitable concentrations during temporary situations. Examples include, · Storage where hazardous materials are in containers. · Areas adjacent to Zone 1 with no hazards of its own · Ventilation could prevent the hazard, but it could fail during a leak |
Combustible material
In addition to a
general quantity and likelihood of hazardous materials, the specific material
is important. To simplify
classification, several groups shown in Table 5.2 have been defined (Ode,
Material Group |
Description |
Group A |
Contains acetylene |
Group B |
Contains hydrogen |
Group C |
Contains ethylene |
Group E |
Contains metal dust |
Group F |
Contains coal dust |
Group G |
Contains grain dust |
A key difference between the
groups is the amount of energy required to cause ignition. For the gases, the most restrictive is Group A (lowest energy for ignition) and least restrictive is
Group C.
Temperature Specification
Additional specifications
are given for other performance variables, such as the operating temperature;
categories for the maximum temperature are given in Table 5.3 Ode, 2000).
Category |
Maximum temperature °C (with 40 °C as ambient) |
T1 |
450 |
T2 |
300 |
T3 |
200 |
T4 |
135 |
T5 |
100 |
T6 |
85 |
Note that some categories
have sub-categories.
The specifications just described apply to above ground
manufacturing and address fire and explosions, and they do not apply to special
conditions, such as the following.
Highly oxygenated atmospheres (oxygen greater than
20 mole %)
Pyrophoric materials
Underground, mines
Any other hazards, e.g., hygiene or toxicology in
food and pharmaceuticals
For further discussion on hazardous area classification, select this button to be directed to a site on the WWW. |
The remainder of
this section presents two of the most important approaches for achieving safe
instrumentation in the process industries, intrinsic safety and explosion
Intrinsic safety
Intrinsic safety influences
the potential source of ignition without affecting the other two key elements
in the safety triangle in Figure 5.1.
Safety: “A technique that achieves safety by limiting the ignition energy and
surface temperature that can arise in normal operation, or under certain
foreseeable fault conditions, to levels that are insufficient to ignite an
explosive atmosphere” (Bentley Nevada, 2006). |
If safety is to be ensured
by preventing sources of ignition, excessive power must be prevented for normal
and foreseeable fault conditions. For
example, low electrical power could be used during normal operation, but
reliable safety must also ensure that an electrical fault, which would provide
higher voltage or current, must not propagate to the areas in contact with the
The concept is
shown in Figure 5.2. Note that the
intrinsic safety barriers, wiring and the field instrumentation in the process
area must be designed and installed as an integrated system.
Figure 5.2. Concept of intrinsic safety in a process plant. Intrinsic safety includes the barriers, field instruments and wiring that must combine to prevent a source of ignition.
The fuel sources
can vary widely in the process industries or even within different sections of
a large plant. Therefore, several
hazardous area classifications are defined that depend on the types of
materials. The definitions and equipment performances are provided by national
and international professional organizations and each country defines the
requirements that must be satisfied within their jurisdiction. To satisfy these requirements, the equipment
must be tested and certified by a body accepted by the relevant governmental agency. While the concepts and general goals for
intrinsic safety are the same throughout the world, the numerous agencies can
define different specifications, so that the engineer must be aware of and
abide by the local regulations. In
addition, insurance providers may define additional or more restrictive
Explosion proofing
This approach reduces the
possibility of a combustible mixture near the source of power combined with
limits to the damage that could be caused by an explosion. Again, national and international regulations
and standards are available.
Table 5.4 provides a quick comparison of
intrinsic safety and explosion proofing, which is paraphrased from Honeywell
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Intrinsic Safety |
· Allows all three components of ignition triangle to coexist · No limit to power consumption |
· Enclosures can be bulky and costly · Any failure can compromise the entire system · Requires periodic inspection |
Explosion Proofing |
· Safest · Inexpensive · Periodic inspection not required · Also prevents electrical hazards (shock) to workers |
· Applicable when less than 1 Watt required · Does not protect against ignition from other sources, e.g., lightening · Requires all elements of circuit to be intrinsically safe |
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